Get Back In The Game: What To Do After An Athletic Foot Injury

9 July 2015
 Categories: , Blog

Immediately after your foot injury, you need to take some steps to prevent the injury from swelling and getting inflamed. Here are the steps to a quick recovery from a foot injury. 

Follow "RICE"

The acronym "RICE" is useful for remembering the steps to take in order to pamper your sports injury. The first part of the equation is to rest. It's important to place as little weight as possible on your foot until you're sure it's not broken or strained. If it hurts to walk on your foot, then the injury is unstable; this is your body's way of telling you that it's time to rest. Get to a doctor as soon as possible to get crutches. 

Ice is the second important part of treating a foot injury. You can buy gauze over the counter in order to wrap your foot. Be sure to ice around the injury and up through your ankle; this will pop the swelling out of the whole area. If you don't wrap your ankle, the swelling may simply collect above your injury and prevent nutrients from flowing to the area. Be sure not to place the ice directly on your injury because this can cause freezer burn; leave one layer of gauze between your foot and the ice pack. If you ice your foot for 20 minutes several times a day, this should keep most of the swelling away. 

Compression is the third part of the treatment. You can compress the foot by using a gauze pad to wrap the foot from the ankle up through the calf. The bandage should be tight enough so that you can just barely slip a finger into the bandage. If you see your toes turning blue, the bandage is too tight. The point of compression is to prevent inflammation; you can also take a painkiller such as ibuprofen in order to prevent swelling. 

The final step for home care is to elevate your injury. Keep the foot elevated above your heart as much as possible until you can visit a care provider to start rehabilitation. 

Visit a Professional

You will need to quickly see a specialist, either an orthopedist or an emergency service, to rule out a fracture. As long as your foot isn't broken, you will likely be referred to a physiotherapist. The physiotherapy process for your injury will help you to regain strength in the injured foot so that you can get back to your sport as quickly as possible. By doing excellent home care and finding a great physiotherapist, you can prevent your injury from worsening or recurring. 
