5 Common Misconceptions About Foot Pain And Conditions

13 January 2023
 Categories: , Blog

Whether due to an injury or medical condition, foot pain is a common ailment among adults. It can make it more difficult to get around and participate in normal activities. Although foot pain is not uncommon, there are still a lot of different misunderstandings about it.

Here are a few common misconceptions about foot pain and conditions.

Seniors Can't Relieve Their Foot Pain

Seniors are more likely to experience foot problems than their younger counterparts. After all, they have been using their feet for many more years. However, that does not mean that they can't alleviate their foot pain. Through the right treatment plan, such as strengthening exercises or surgery, even elderly people can heal their foot pain and live more fulfilling lives.

Poorly Fitting Shoes Cause Bunions

A bunion is a bump that develops on the big toe and can cause foot pain. Many people still assume that bunions can result from wearing the wrong shoes. The truth is that bunions are caused by genetics. If someone in your family has bunions, you have a higher chance of developing the condition.

It's Normal to Have Foot Pain After Standing All Day

If you're on your feet all day at work, you might think it's normal for them to hurt at the end of the day. While your feet may get tired, they shouldn't hurt. If you have foot pain, it can indicate an underlying condition.

If You Have Foot Pain, You Can't Wear High Heels

Even if you have foot pain from bunions or another foot condition, you don't have to completely give up your high heels. You may be able to wear these shoes on special occasions if they have a wider heel.

If You Can Move Your Foot, It Is Not Broken

If you can still walk around freely, you may assume that your foot is not broken. However, this is not necessarily the case. It is still possible to walk on certain kinds of fractures, such as chip and toe fractures. If you feel pain or other symptoms, you should still see a foot doctor as soon as possible.

As you can see, there are a lot of different myths about foot pain and conditions. If you have been experiencing foot pain or other issues, you should make an appointment to see a foot doctor. He or she can evaluate your condition and recommend a treatment plan.
